Business Development


Archive by category: Human ResourcesReturn

The Role of Global Bonds in Defined Contribution Plan Design

Global bonds seem to have become universally recognized and accepted in the world of defined benefit plans, with an allocation to them typically sought to potentially improve performance and dampen volatility. Similarly, we think global bonds are worthy of discussion as an asset class for defined contribution plans in terms of both a standalone allocation option and a component of any target date or target risk fund.

Annuities and Defined Benefit Pension Plans: What you need to know.

Eliminating ongoing plan expenses represent a significant cost savings opportunity to a plan sponsor whether the plan expenses are being paid directly by the plan sponsor (outside the plan) or deducted from the plan assets (inside the plan). We can compare the nature of plan expenses to flowers in a way that there are annual flowers that need to be planted each year versus perennials flowers that bloom each year without needing to replanted. Much like flowers that are annuals plan expenses are o...
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